Build a real example Web application from scratch with PHP 8 and MySQL
Mô tả
Learn how to build a robust and reusable PHP Web application with MySQL from scratch.
Step-by-step, without any 3rd-party frameworks, you will learn and build a complete PHP 8 framework, and later in the course, we will cover some great Composer packages we will include in our project (you will also learn how to send emails efficiently with the Symfony Mailing package).
The screencast videos literally cover everything (nothing is hidden!), allowing you to understand and follow the whole evolution of the Web application.
You will learn how to build a modern, clean and flexible framework following the best coding practices and PHP standard recommendations (PSR) allowing you to reuse it easily for your next SaaS.
At the end of the course, you will be confident to build any kind of real-world Web application for your next business idea or to take your freelance career to the next level! You will also be able to implement your very own unique ideas and concepts from the codebase of this course.
Finally, once you subscribe to this course, I will do my best to answer your questions within a few hours for any of your questions. I know how challenging it can be to build a whole Web application and I want you to succeed in building the web application you want.
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